Monthly Archives: December 2018

Herring Joins Other Virginia Lawmakers in Refusal of Dominion Money (WVTF)

Stephen Farnsworth at the University of Mary Washington says that puts pressure on the other candidates.

“If you want to be a Democratic nominee for governor in Virginia, you really do have to refuse Dominion money at this point. The activist base that votes in the primaries will accept nothing less.”

Herring Joins Other Virginia Lawmakers in Refusal of Dominion Money (WVTF)

Farnsworth Published in Washington Post

Stephen Farnsworth, professor of political science and director of the University’s Center for Leadership and Media Studies, is co-author of a Washington Post opinion column about how President Trump has fared on the late-night television comedy programs. The column, entitled “When Americans watch late-night comedy, the joke’s on Donald Trump,” contains research from Dr. Farnsworth’s Waple Fellowship project at UMW. Link The post Farnsworth Published in Washington Post appeared first on EagleEye.