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Virginia’s legislature hasn’t overridden a veto in more than a decade. Could that change Wednesday? (WVTF)

Professor Stephen Farnsworth with the University of Mary Washington said Youngkin may have miscalculated when he overturned the largely red and rural-backed effort. “The governor will face more severe threats of an overridden veto because of the way that he ignored Republican concerns,” Farnsworth told Radio IQ.


Kansas Put Abortion Rights on the Ballot. The Surprising Outcome is Reverberating Across the United States (Australian Broadcasting Corp.)

“What you see here, though, is that the Republican Party has put itself in a very difficult spot on the abortion question,” said Stephen Farnsworth, a political science professor at the University of Mary Washington. “It is much better to be a Republican running against abortion when abortion is legal than to be asking voters how to react once abortion is under the kind of threat that it’s under right now.”


Republicans sweep Virginia (Cardinal News)

“The big question in this election was whether Virginians feared the specter of Donald Trump more than the specter of critical race theory,” said Stephen Farnsworth, a political science professor at the University of Mary Washington. Youngkin had vowed to ban critical race theory, which is not being taught at Virginia schools, on his first day in office. “Based on results so far it looks like voters feared the idea of critical race theory more than Trump,” Farnsworth said.


Enter the candidates (Virginia Business)

“The Youngkin campaign had a strategy of talking about Virginia’s economy being in a ditch,” says Stephen Farnsworth, a political science professor at the University of Mary Washington. “That strategy disappeared when Virginia was named the No. 1 state for business.”


Virginia Democratic Primary (WAMU)

That would be about 20 percent of voters who have already voted. Stephen Farnsworth, at the University of Mary Washington says that might indicate a lack of enthusiasm — “You would anticipate with a bit more early voting,” he said.