News Channel 8 & WAMU-FM: Virginia Governor Facing Scandals

News Channel 8
July 12, 2013

The scandal surrounding Virginia’s governor continues to deepen, as more details emerge and as more state legislators call on Gov. Bob McDonnell to resign or at a minimum level with voters about the latest round of special interest cash and gifts received by the governor and his family.

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WAMUBy: Michael Pope // WAMU-FM // July 11, 2013

In Virginia, Governor Bob McDonnell is riding out an FBI investigation, a series of troubling disclosures and now calls for his resignation….

Still, for University of Mary Washington professor Stephen Farnsworth, any talk of resignation is premature.

“To me, there’s no need to resign in advance of an indictment unless the indictment is inevitable,” says Farnsworth. “And we don’t have any indication that’s the case,” he says.