With Appeal To Supreme Court, Cuccinelli Stakes Out Far-Right Position On Sodomy
By: Michael Lee Pope // August 1, 2013 // WAMU 88.5 FM
In Virginia the legal definition of sodomy includes oral sex—even between married couples. So Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s decision to ask the United States Supreme Court to stay a lower court’s decision striking down the state’s anti-sodomy law has far-reaching implications into the bedrooms of just about every Virginia voter.
Back in March, the Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declared Virginia’s law against oral and anal sex unconstitutional. Cuccinelli is appealing the panel’s ruling to the Supreme Court, saying that the ruling is limiting his office’s ability to prosecute child sex predators.
But his decision to push the appeal is playing into the commonwealth’s gubernatorial race, say some political analysts…..
According to University of Mary Washington professor Stephen Farnsworth, Cuccinelli’s appeal may end up attracting a great deal of attention during the campaign season—some of it that could benefit his national image.