Stephen Farnsworth, professor of political science and director of the University’s Center for Leadership and Media Studies, recently commented on the following news stories:
Virginia 2021 primary: House of Delegates races to watch (WTOP)
Virginia Voters Identify as Moderate but Support Progressive Policies, Poll Finds (
Republicans Oust Liz Cheney (CTV News Channel)
Virginia voters identify as moderate but support progressive policies, poll finds (Virginia Mercury)
Virginia is for … ‘moderates’? (Rappahannock News)
Glenn Youngkin’s Pitch: Tighter Voting Laws, Broader GOP Tent, and Money to Make it Happen (VPM)
Virginia Republicans’ messy, Trumpy race to pick a nominee for governor (Vox News)
Virginia voters identify as moderate, despite supporting Democrat policies (NBC29; Henrico Citizen)
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