NYC’s Bloomberg Puts $1 Million Behind McAuliffe (Washington Times)

N.Y.’s Michael Bloomberg puts $1M into Terry McAuliffe’s campaign in Virginia

The Washington Times, Tuesday, October 22, 2013

New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, who for years has blamed Virginia and its gun laws for helping funnel criminals’ firearms into New York City, wants to have a say in who becomes the commonwealth’s next governor.

The outgoing mayor’s political action committee, Independence USA, is shelling out more than $1 million to support Democratic businessman Terry McAuliffe in the final weeks of his high-profile race against Republican Attorney General Kenneth T. Cuccinelli II, looking to push a relatively overlooked issue in the race to the forefront.....

“This may be an effort to put a win in Bloomberg’s column by entering the political discussion in Virginia,” said Stephen Farnsworth, a political science professor at the University of Mary Washington. “But the polls show that long before we heard of Michael Bloomberg, there was a significant gap favoring McAuliffe. There’s an old saying: ‘Victory has a thousand fathers.’ And I think Bloomberg wants to be one of them.”

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