Recount In Virginia Attorney General Race To Begin Dec. 16 (WAMU)

WAMURecount In Virginia Attorney General Race To Begin Dec. 16

WAMU-FM, December 5, 2013

Democrat Mark Herring has a 165-vote edge over Republican Mark Obenshain in the closest statewide race in modern Virginia political history — one that’s likely be be resolved at last later this month…..

University of Mary Washington professor Stephen Farnsworth says the process has highlighted a weakness in Virginia’s current system.

“This process has already, I think, demonstrated the need for Virginia to have a statewide system of consistent equipment,” Farnsworth says.

“This is the lesson that comes out of Florida. When you have different machines in different places, you make it a lot harder to make the case that every vote in every precinct is as likely to be counted.”

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