Missing Moderates in Virginia Elections (Daily Kos)

2014 warner mapMissing Moderates in Virginia Senate Election 2014
By Stephen J. Farnsworth, Stephen P. Hanna and Benjamin Hermerding
Published in the Daily Kos

U.S. Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) sure is lucky that northern Virginia is still growing – and that rural southwest Virginia is not.

For more than a decade, at least until Tuesday, Warner dominated the politics of the Old Dominion, his “radical centrist” vision of politics creating a more geographically diverse political coalition than other Democrats created for their statewide elections.

Thirteen years ago, Mark Warner (D) was elected governor of a very different state than the one that divided roughly 50/50 on his re-election this year. Warner’s moderate politics and his aggressive 2001 outreach efforts in rural corners of the state – including sponsoring a race car and a bluegrass campaign song — were hailed at the time as political savvy ways to connect with the state’s rural voters.

That approach paid off, back then.

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