Most Virginians don’t believe gov’t prepared for Ebola (Virginian-Pilot)

Virginian-PilotThirty percent of the 1,000 people researchers talked with from Oct. 1 to 6 said they believe the government is very unprepared, while another 29 percent said the government is somewhat unprepared, according to the study sponsored by the University of Mary Washington’s Center for Leadership and Media Studies. Twenty-two percent said they believe the government is somewhat prepared, while only 13 percent believe officials are very prepared.

“If things get worse with Ebola in this country, the public’s negativity about the federal government may be a key factor standing in the way of believing federal authorities,” Stephen Farnsworth, professor of political science and director of the center, said in a news release. “Gridlock, deep partisanship and continuing negative economic evaluations combine to create a populace inclined to doubt the federal government.”

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